“Ouraborus” Fields of Conception and “Wormwood”!

Atoms have a corresponding synergistic field that has a standing “wave form” in which its frequency and amplitude control what the “structure” looks like. What something looks like on the outside is a “result” of the “transform” of these waves of energy inside. Though we begin life symmetrically, small “instabilities” build to develop a stable asymmetrical form. The base material congregates at vibrational standing points, in which, depending upon rotational movement, cause unique and characteristic-shaped spaces to form as major eddies of energy activity. The visible physical appearance of things is the inverse of the invisible vibration within. Photons of violet light are energy coming toward and infrared waves are traveling away. Photons are electrons that exist as a “harmonic” of the same waveform. All matter is essentially waves of resonance. Harmonics dislodge electrons in a “photo electric effect”. Violet light does this, as it is a powerful short wavelength. Gravity and radio waves are perceivable only because of their effect on phenomena. Let’s imagine this morphogenic field in action. It is dramatically illustrated in the activities of the humble “roundworm” (C. Elegans) for instance. The roundworm so well appreciated to the planet’s soils, possesses amazing regeneration abilities. When the worm is cut in half, the tail end of the worm’s intestinal tract becomes active, which residual earth travels downward and remain at the bottom of the tract. While this is happening, the wound becomes clean and red. It’s interesting to note that throughout this process, it’s been shown that the worm’s tail end always remembers which direction is forward. Roundworms receive information from their severed top halves because identical DNA emits a transform of energy that enables the tail end to completely regrow a new brain, mouth, and digestive apparatus, as well as a new heart! The tail end of the original roundworm becomes a clone. Regeneration occurs from the material of the clot as the colloids assemble into the morphogenic pattern imbued in the terrain surrounding these colloids.

Tiny flatworms called planarians, careful to avoid the light, regenerate their whole bodies after fasted to nearly nothing. These common species of flatworms completely regenerate a brand new head. Fully mature sea sponges disassemble into many small pieces and then regenerate from these tiny clumps back into mature sponges. This understanding of morphogenic fields has led us to an understanding about the communicative capability within a cell that transmits information to other cells. Our cells can still communicate without needing to be directly connected, but through this morphogenic resonance that is emitted and received by other cells as radio waves. Colloids form simple life colloids; to life colloids as cells, to entire whole bodies, emit personalized cell signs that are an instant direct connection as a field of primary perception.  Compared to deeper tissue, a skin cell is impervious to ultraviolet radiation. The bark or skin of the plant covers the entire plant, except its growing root tip, which is where growth hormone is release in the dark. Root tips are light sensitive. Blue light emitted from within the plant is what guides the assemblage of colloids to form into the root from the cytoplasm of life colloids in the soil. Similarly, our skin provides an electromagnetic waveform guide that protects cells so intercellular communication occurs in an orderly fashion. A similar waveform guide exists in the plant at the root tip, allowing for growth and cellular replication to occur at this site. Electromagnetic waveform principles, such as those in homeopathy or sacred geometry, allow us to see bio-chemical affects on organisms. All illness and disease have specific waveform patterns too.

Universal principles can be observed in nature. Atmospheric electricity collects in points and spires, facilitating ion exchange between earth and sky. There are reservoirs deep within us that are in resonance with “celestial energy” from the farthest reaches of outer space. Enormous fission reactions occurring in the celestial stars and sun provide the body with potential energy that can be tapped. As long as your heart and brain waves are coherently in tune, you are perfect for “divining”. There is a direct semi-conductive current that is flowing along insulation material of nerves and connective tissue in your body. Waveforms, even as thoughts and feelings impinging upon the flux of this antenna, can be selectively culled by the brain. Enormous amounts of information are transmitted through radio waves. Through resonance, energy is sent without any physical connection necessary at all! The body’s developed morphogenic field involves nerve junction on either side of the spine, which create electromagnetic oscillation. Dipole fields arise from the brain’s nerve structure and axioms in the spinal cord. This oscillatory and polarizing energetic morphogenic field causes colloids to assemble into the myriad of organic and inorganic structures. Lower and higher velocities of conduction cause the forming organic structure to have either a wide and less differentiated dispersion, or an elongated ovum shape, respectively. The combination of elements provides a code that determines all aspects of our form. This includes a morphogenic resonance that emits from “all like” structures in existence that causes a niche or place within the overall holographic matrix of the planet itself. When a species becomes extinct, such as the Saber Tooth Tiger, their niche ceases and the morphogenic resonance of the species reconstructs or morphs into other life forms with the nested layers of geometry that make up the Earth’s matrix. Explained through sacred geometry, all of the knowledge of the universe is brought together when the sperm and ovum join to form a Vesica Piscis. The sperm and ovum have passed into earth other have passed into earth other to form the first cell. Simple organisms evolved into cells. At conception, the energetics of male and female pro nuclei from the parents join to become a Vesica Piscis, that is the nuclei of the first human cell, called a zygote. Mitosis of the zygote occurs when the positive and negative poles form as a tube of colloids that in a perfect way align with the North and South poles of the Earth. At the moment of conception, there is a perfect symmetry as witnessed in sacred geometry. The first cell contains the knowledge of itself and another cell. An organism of two cells has the knowledge of itself and two more making four cells. Four cells form a cube (tetrahedron) that has the knowledge to bring forward four more, to total eight cells (a star tetrahedron, also a cube). These original first eight cells that form us are different than any other cells that we will form during our lives. These original eight cells are immortal and that while every other cell will die and be replaced by a new one, these original eight will remain with us until we die. These eight identical immortal cells reside at the exact geographic center of our body (just above the perineum). From these eight cells, it instantly doubles to become sixteen (a cube within a cube). We grow asymmetrically from this point onward. The forming tube or embryo becomes a hallow sphere (tubetorus) becoming the mouth on one end and the other the anus—the Ouraborus!

About the Ouraborus

A mystic symbol of self reflexivity or cyclicality, especially in the sense of something constantly recreating itself, the eternal return, and other things such as the Phoenix, which operate in cycles that begin a new as soon as they end. It can also represent the idea of primordial vanity and related to something existing or persisting from the beginning with such “force” or qualities it cannot be extinguished—the Trinity!